They have work in groups of four or five students. Each group has to choose a native animal to the Balearic Islands.
They have look for information in an oficial web of the "Govern de les Illes Balears".
After it they have to consult the Cambridge online dictionary, the words they need to give an explanation in english about the
Conill pagès d'Evissa
El conill pagès d'Evissa es un animal de talla mitjana, els mascles poden pesar 3'1 a 4'2 i les famelles 3 a 3'7. El cap esta proporcionat per al cos amb la front ample i curt. Els conills eivissencs son generalment bicolors. Poden tenir 8 o 10 cries.
The rabbit noun
The ``conill pagès d'eivissa´´ is the size medium animal, the aboutmasculine suede to be regret 4'2 about 3'1 and the feninity 3 a 3'7. The head night proportionate text the body trick the brow coarse and strait. The rabbit was generated discolors. Suede to have 8 o 10 babies.
Balearic animals
The “ca de bou” is a great hunting dog and a fantastic guard animal. The weight from males with the 35 or 38kg, The weight from females with the
30 or The weight from males with the 35 or 38kg, The weight from females with the 30 or 34kg
The head is big, the nouse is always black, the ears is smalls, the lips blacks, the neck is strong, the feet strongs and the fur thick.
People likes it as a pet.
Noelia,Alex,Aina y Brais.
Balearic Animals
“Cavall Mallorqui”
Es un animal de caràcter
tranquil,fort,rústic i molt sobri.
Es de confirmació eumética,sublongilinia i de perfil frontomosal lleugerament convex.
La silueta és esvelta,i el color de la seva capa es negra.
It's a animal for caracter is tranquili,strong,rústic and very sobering.It's the conformation geometrical,subliumilinal,and the perfil frontmant laments,concave.The silver is the color the to the his cape is black.
The head is long and strait,the snout is prominent and i has snout to bulge the them jawth .The nose is the color meat.Its are thin and with a natural skin color,its eyes are small and light eyes. The ears medians is well up like this papernack agile and with, strenght physic and talent troug the fighter. This is dog naun and long.
Estela,Juan Pedro,Maria,Laura G.
Races autoctones
Cavall menorquí
The “cavall menorquí” is harmonic,a calm character,nobly,strong and compliant.
The cape is black ,resistant and energetic.
The animal has a long neek,medium size,dry and escapades.
The animals is strong coith good size.
The “cavall menorquí” is very popular in Menorca island.
Marina ,Alicia,David y Javier.
Jaume Joan , Gloria , Juanjo , Sonia
El ca de Bestiar
El ca de Bestiar es un ca que protegir la casa o caçador el cap es com triangular , es massis pero no feixuc , que no acaba en punta .El nas es negre , gros amb orenells amples , els llavis son de color negres . Las dents estan correctament desenvolupat i tenen la mossegada en tisores , els ulls son petits , oblics i d'un color mel , les orlles son de dimensions reduides i el paladar es negre .
The ''ca de Bestiar '' is a noun to protect on the hause o huntsman them teeth . He or she the bite in scissors , the eyes a in colours is a honey, the years on the dog is a seven best a person .
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